
Vibe Series Deluxe Starter Kit (Black)

Original price was: $108.00.Current price is: $102.00.

Balance & Performance
Discover the Vibe Series, Vaper Empire’s powerful Vape Mod device.
Extremely durable and built to last, this vape device will stand the test of time. It’s Long-Lasting 2000mAh Battery and High Capacity E-Liquid Tank keeps you going all day.
The Vibe Series Deluxe Starter Kit in Black really is the perfect way to enjoy your vaping journey.
It comes complete with everything you’ll need to get started right away, including your choice of vape juice flavours. The Vibe not only looks stunning with its sleek curved lines, but it produces the most impressive vape clouds, whilst also enhancing the flavour of our premium vape juice flavours.
Special Note:
The Vibe provides a big hit.We recommend selecting a lower nicotine strength when ordering nicotine e liquid.

Allow new coils to soak up the e liquid in your tank for approximately 10 min before using. This will extend the life of your coils.

1 x Rechargeable Vibe Battery (2000 mAh)
1 x Refillable Vibe Tank [4.5 ml] with Advanced Dual Atomizer Coil
3 x Bottles of 10ml Classic Collection E-Liquid
1 x Bottle of 10ml Artisan Collection E-Liquid
1 x Vaper Empire Premium Carry Case
1 x Spare Dual Atomizer Coil
1 x USB Power Cable
1 x Spare ‘O’ Ring Pack
2 x Alternative Drip-Tip Mouthpieces
1 x USB Wall Adapter [2.0 Amp] (Type I – Australia / New Zealand)
1 x User Manual (English language)
Includes 90-Day Limited Device Warranty.

Vaper Empire’s Vibe series brings effortless style and class to the World of vaping along with excellent performance and outstanding vape production.

We are proud to present the Vibe, one of the best all round e cigarette devices. The device is not only just aesthetically pleasing with its fabulous curved lines but it is simple to use and amazingly user friendly. The Vibe fits beautifully in the hand and you are able to feel the quality and durability.
It is the next generation of Vaping device, providing huge power and capacity locked into a conveniently sized design.

The Vibe Deluxe Starter Kit is one of Vaper Empire’s most popular choice of bundle and includes a huge amount of value.
Not only do you get the device but you also get a spare coil, charger cable, choice of 3 classic e-liquids and a complimentary Artisan flavour. With its extra power the Vibe delivers the most amazing flavour and enhances our premium e liquid range. Once you choose the Vibe there’s no going back!

The Vibe tank comes with a huge coil that has been designed specifically to run the full length of the 4.5ml tank and delivers outstanding flavour. It is so simple to replace it only takes seconds to swap out the old coil and fit a new coil into the tank and couldn’t be easier. Order from our online store to restock on new coils, premium e liquid, batteries and other accessories.


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